I went to the comic book store with Revis today, and I bought a
Spawn comic and a
Constantine comic. The post title is the title of the Constantine issue. Tonight is a total bust, no one is doing anything. But I'm alright with that, because I need to catch up on some sleep. I figure I'll do a nice, long post and talk on
Trillian for a while, then get to bed around 1:00. I have a big day tomorrow! No Six Flags (damn you, whoever came up with the idea of money!) but we're going out on the Waverunners tomorrow. Now all I need to do is get James's lazy ass outta bed before one in the afternoon so we can get our work done before it's time to go. He says that after this week, we'll be done working more or less. I certainly hope so. I am getting hella sick of moving rocks. And what with my lack of sleeping lately, I've turned into the
surly employee, so I think it would be beneficial to everyone if we call it quits soon.
I've really begun to enjoy comic books. I never got into them as a kid (unless you count those damn
Archie comics, which I don't. I have stacks of them in my basement. Yes, I was a goddamn loser when I was younger. Hell, I'm a loser now, who are we kidding?). Did anyone else read
Disney Adventures Magazine when they were little? Well, that was my first introduction to comics, believe it or not. They would publish little shitty comics most of the time, but one month they published (in color! which means more, now that I know about these things) the first issue of
Bone. One issue of a comic book isn't usually enough to draw you in. You usually have to consciously stick with it until you catch up on the story. Maybe it was the fact that it was
issue #1 or just the fact that it was fucking awesome, I was hooked on this comic. I renewed my subscription to
Disney Adventures for so long after that, hoping that they would continue publishing
Bone. I think they put in maybe only one or two more issues, and needless to say, I was disappointed when my mom finally cut my subscription. Luckily, I discovered that this wasn't just a
Disney Adventures exclusive comic. This was an actual series that you could buy, if you looked in the right place.
The right place, in Rockford, is
Tomorrow Is Yesterday on N. 2nd. I didn't buy the single issues though, because by the time I discovered that I could, there was already a Volume One collection with about 15 comics together. So I would wait and wait for those to come out instead of buying the individual comics. The series ended up filling nine of these collection books,
the last of which I finally obtained last Christmas. So as you can see, my introduction to comics was overall a good one. Now that I have somewhat of an income, Revis and I have gone to Tomorrow Is Yesterday twice now and bought a few random comics (
Bigfoot, Constantine, Medal Gear Solid, 100 Bullets, Conan, and
Spawn to be exact). It is definitely hard to find a good comic to get hooked to if you don't start from issue #1. But so far, I'm satisfied.
I don't know why I thought that longwinded story was necessary, but hey, it's my blog, so why not tell you a little something about myself. That is, a little something that doesn't concern my current "feelings" and whatnot. I'm sick of talking about that. My bipolar disorder must be on the upswing because I'm thinking to myself, "Who gives a fuck? Just let it go and enjoy the rest of summer!" So to do that, I'm enjoying comics. Maybe it's because I'm taking a class on comics and graphic novels ("serious" comics, although I don't think that non-graphic novels aren't serious, unless we're talking about Archie again) my first semester. Whatever it is, it's kinda been working. I'm sorta enjoying myself. But to reiterate what I said early this morning, I need to get drunk. Soon.
I've fallen in love with
The Shins. They rock. Download everything you can get your hands on. But other than that, I've fallen into a musical rut. All I listen to anymore is
Secret Machines,
Radar Bros., The Shins, and
LCD Soundsystem. All great bands, yes, but somebody give me something new to get hooked on! I'm a fan of the indie rock, but anything else is fair game too, so if you have any suggestions in that realm, send 'em my way. Wow, I just realized that I haven't been very funny so far this post. What the hell is the matter with me?
Que pasa contigo? The jokes aren't coming like they used to, but I'm trying.
This is the most useless post in the history of my blog. I'm just typing and typing and shit is coming out. I guess I'd rather do this than
Facebook. I have nothing else to say on that subject. Except that now that I've chronicled my life and interests on it, it no longer holds any appeal to me.
It's a little early for a retrospective on the events of the summer, especially with two of the biggest events of the summer still to come (Secret Machines concert and Canada). Nevertheless, I had some sweet plans that never came to fruition. I wanted to write more, which I guess I sorta have with the blog, but that's not what I was thinking when I said I would do it. I wanted to get a script ready for school, you know, something to work with for class. That never happened. I got a couple promising starts, but nothing really fleshed out. And now that I look at them, I really gotta plan them out before I start them, because fleshing them out into a good, full-length script is gonna be a little tougher than I thought. I also had planned on playing a shitload of guitar between June and August. In short, I've had a lot less time than I thought I would. And yet, I've spent the majority of it being bored. How ironic.
The All-Star break was good to the Cubs. E'erybody is coming around.
Lee is still hitting
Like he was before the break.
Now others are too.
- A Cubs haiku by Andrew McNally
Sorry, some things just inspire me. And when
Ramirez, and
Walker combine for 7 home runs and 14 RBIs the past two days against the Reds, poetry comes to mind. God, I love baseball.
In other news, I can now do a
backflip off of a diving board. The next step is doing one off of a table onto the ground, then just doing one on the ground. This is one summer goal I'm determined to accomplish. I think I'm finally out of things to say. Sorry to keep you so long. Just tell your husband you got held up in traffic. You may want to redo your hair though. It got a little messy, he might think we're up to something.
Currently enjoying:

ish: After our little boat trip tomorrow, I should have lots to say! I know you can't wait, but you'll just have to.
Ish is short for issue by the way. I'm using comic book terms now. I'm such a loser.