boy, 17, sinks deeper into quicksand that his life has become
Rockford, IL--What began as an exciting night of camping and friends quickly degraded into a stinking pile of depression for Andrew McNally, 17, Sunday night. After two measly beers, McNally felt a queasy sensation deep within him. Not due to the slight bit of alcohol, but most likely due to the bottomless pit that longs to be filled with one instance of true companionship before he leaves for college. Signs of bipolarity continued to rear their ugly heads as McNally was extremely excited for the night to begin, only to end the night tossing in his sleep wondering why he never has any fun anymore. This high-low extreme has been common occurrence in McNally's mind, dating back to early senior year.
As the summer reaches its midpoint, the only hope for the young man is the promising horizon of college, and perhaps a visit from Kate, who will be attending college with him next year. Kristen Erickson was quoted as saying, "You should really get that checked out." We here at 'california girls' heartily agree and hope that the poor sap takes the advice. Perhaps he should use one of his twelve free health clinic visits next year to get this taken care of.
On a lighter note, Andrew was reported to have had a much better Monday, where he watched three movies, A Very Long Engagement (breath-taking!), Million Dollar Baby (excellent, though perhaps not "Best Picture" quality), and The Machinist (pretty good, but not as cool as he expected). He also got to swim at Sarah Francik's and go in Sam Schneider's hot tub. He hopes to have more days like Monday, and less days like Sunday as the summer comes to a close. "I had a rough outing Sunday, but I felt much better today. I just went out there and pitched a good game, and I want to continue to do that for this ballclub. I really like it here," McNally said Monday night, after arriving home, starting his blog, and deciding to talk in metaphors that no one will ever completely understand.
Copyright 2005, Associated Press.
Yeah, so three movies in one day. And I was going to attempt to go for four. I just don't think I could have handled The Woodsman. By far the best movie I watched was A Very Long Engagement. For those of you who don't mind subtitles, or the French, you need to see this. The only thing is, sometimes you'll be reading the subtitles and miss out on some truly beautiful shots. This is one of the most creatively filmed movies I have seen in a long time. There are just some scenes that will steal the breath right from your mouth. As you can tell, I was duly impressed with this movie. Million Dollar Baby was really quite good, but Best Picture is a stretch. I really didn't see anything extraordinary about it. The acting wins (Best Actress-Hilary Swank, Best Supporting Actor-Morgan Freeman) and the director Oscar were well-deserved. But when I think Best Picture, the acting, directing, story, writing, cinematography all have to come together so perfectly that I am blown away. Of course, that's in an ideal situation where the competition for the award is mega-fierce. No offense to Clint, but I guess the competition wasn't really that fierce. The Machinst was confusing but cool to watch. There's really not much more to say about that, as you really have to see it for yourself.
Now I know there are some people out there saying, "McNally, you can't diagnose yourself with bipolar disorder." Well, I know that. But je fais ce que je veux, alright? Facio quid cupio. It is just my opinion about myself, but you all have to admit, it makes sense. I can seem to be in a perfectly happy mood one moment, and snap on you the next. You've all seen it happen, don't deny it.
I've only just realized how pathetic I am. I'm sitting here, blogging, in a wife beater (sporting the tattoo), my hair looks like a damn nuclear mushroom cloud, and I have my desktop online and my laptop pumping jams. How fucking shitty is my life? Wait, don't answer that. I already know.
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Next post: Hopefully, I can have some fun and keep my mind off of whatever it is that gets me down all the time. Like a certain schizophrenic once said to me, "If things don't ever change, they'll always stay the same."
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