my people were fair and had sky in their hair...but now they're content to wear stars on their brows
Instead of coming up with my own clever post titles, I've resorted to using obscure song lyrics and even obscurer album titles. This post's title comes from a 1968 Tyrannosaurus Rex album, and in my opinion is one of the greatest album titles ever. And I've never even heard the album!
Anyway, I got the 6th Harry Potter book today. And I'm only on page 12, so Sarah and Christina, who have been reading all night (and Sarah probably read the ending already), don't tell me anything about it. I like my suspense just like that, suspenseful. Some people like to know about their surprise birthday parties, or what they're getting for Christmas, or how The Village ends (DAVE!). But me personally, I like to be surprised. Is that weird? I didn't think so.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was pretty cool. Johnny Depp makes Willy Wonka a spoiled kid who you half expect to get sucked into the tube in the chocolate river. Wonka is no longer the untouchable chocolatier that Gene Wilder made him. Now he's just a 40 year old boy who didn't like his dentist father and can hold a pretty mean grudge. Needless to say, he comes off as a bit of a brat. I liked the back story though. Without explaining why he is so weird, Depp's portrayal would have been just that. Weird. But all of his quirky actions have some subtext, which Mr. Burton kindly explains in colorfully played out flashbacks (complete with swirly fade-in/fade-out!).
I'm not feeling all that talkative today, plus, I want to read. So I'll post some more after the weekend. Maybe something interesting will happen. Us boys may be going to Heartbreakers to get our hearts broken sometime next week. I'll definitely be writing about that (if I can get an ID that says I'm 18). McNally, out.
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Actually, that is a lie. But since it's so chic and cool to be listening to Wicked nowadays, I thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to actually downloading the songs. I'd still like to see the play and read the book, though.
Next post: I don't know. If I get to see some boobies at Heartbreakers you'll be the first to hear about it. I promise.
The Village sucked anyway.
This is the most awesome Harry Potter book in the world!!! You should have come with us at midnight!!
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