i'm like robin hood, but for booze
I had planned on doing another post about my adventure of stealing booze from the rich to give to the poor without all the exaggeration. But fuck that. Everything I said before was true, okay? Forget I ever said the word exaggeration.
So everyone is at the Dave Matthews concert today, which I refused to go to, because Dave Matthews sucks ASS (I can already foresee more comments about this post than any other, just because I said that Dave Matthews sucks). Sure, I was bored as hell all day, but better to be bored than listen to shitty ass music for 3 hours. Any band that isn't Phish should not be allowed to give 3 hour concerts. Since Led Zeppelin doesn't tour anymore (John Bonham, God rest your soul), Phish is the only decent jam band left in the world. All Dave Matthews Band "jams" are the same riff over and over, with some annoying violin thrown in for good (or bad) measure. They don't elaborate on their songs, it's as if they were in a car and hit an unusually large bump and started skipping, but you can't just skip to the next track. Now, of course I'll admit, as with any band, that not all of their material is bad. The stuff that doesn't sound like all the other stuff isn't bad. Some of their covers aren't bad (All Along the Watchtower - not bad, though Jimi does it way better, Tangerine - bad, just because you can never do a Led Zeppelin song the justice it deserves unless your name is Jimmy Page or Robert Plant.). But these exceptions are few and far between. O.A.R. (Of a Revolution? What fucking revolution from hell are you starting?) is Dave Matthews Band, but without any of the members of Dave Matthews Band. It's a lot like all of the Coldplay clones we're seeing nowadays. Coldplay is pretty good though, so at least these clones are emulating something that's worth a damn. I like how DirecTV is showing a Dave Matthews version of Storytellers. How much does one have to pay for such a groundbreaking event as this? Nothing. It's on the free channel. Shows how much people give a damn about Dave Matthews. But enough of this. You get the picture. I don't like him. 'Nuff said.
I bought four (4) cds today. So I more or less threw 50 bones down the drain because I don't have a cd player in my car anymore (damn you, whoever you are!). But I'm enjoying them. A qualm about the record industry recently: Why is it that the Kings of Leon go to the trouble of copy-protecting their music, while Coldplay (obviously the bigger, but not necessarily the better, band) doesn't do shit? And why the fuck does this copy protected software suck so much ass? Here's what it says on the cover of Aha Shake Heartbreak: "This CD is protected against unauthorized duplication. It is designed to play on standard playback devices and an appropriately configured computer (see system requirements on back). If you have questions or concerns visit www.sunncomm.com/support/bmg."
Apparently what they mean by a "properly configured computer" is any computer but mine. You put the cd in, and it brings up this shitty, user-hostile menu that refuses to play music unless you agree to download some license agreement, most likely packed with spyware. Spyware be damned, I wanted my music so I tried to agree to this license shit, but MSN (probably the second biggest piece of shit program in the world, next to AOL) decides to say no for me. So I can't listen to Kings of Leon on my computer. Which brings me back to my original point. Coldplay is obviously going to sell more albums than Kings of Leon. Therefore, shouldn't they be the ones copy-protecting their music? Or are they such pretentious asshole that they're sitting in mansions on their own private islands saying "Let the fuckers download our music! We'll still go double platinum!" God, rich people are so condescending. Just because every music magazine in the country has at one point or another referred to you as the "biggest band in the world" you think that everyone is going to buy it? Yeah, I bought it. So what? You wanna fight about it?
Anyways, it just pisses me off that a big band like Coldplay doesn't have to copy-protect their music, just because they won't really suffer from it if they don't. But I imagine that illegal filesharing hasn't hurt, but helped Kings of Leon. I wouldn't have ever heard of them, or wanted to buy their album, had I not illegally downloaded a song of theirs on Limewire. I hope the RIAA isn't reading this. But you know what? My so-called "illegal" actions have spurred me to buy more albums than if I hadn't downloaded a sample beforehand. In my situation, Limewire is helping your asses, so don't sue me. Please don't sue me.
That's my qualm. The four albums I bought? So glad you asked.
The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
Coldplay - X & Y
Kings of Leon - Aha Shake Heartbreak
LCD Soundsystem - Self-titled (The White Cover)
All highly recommended. Though I haven't actually listened to Kings of Leon yet. They're good though, trust me. I also wanted to get The Modern Lovers, but Best Buy isn't that sophisticated. Listen to Losing My Edge by LCD Soundsystem for an explanation. Actually, if you listen to the song, you won't really get an explanation, unless you understand the motivation behind the song. Just ask me sometime. Forget listening to the song. That is, unless you want to hear a really good song just for the hell of it. Enough rambling! I'm done. McNally, out.
Currently enjoying:

(A little moreso than X & Y. Sorry Chris Martin. When it comes to rockin', Jack White kicks your ass.)
Next ish: I expect a lot of flak for that shit I said about Dave Matthews, so perhaps a retort to all those who disagree with me. Canada is coming up fast, I'm done with work, I need to pack for school, and the Secret Machines concert is Friday, so there will be much more to come before I leave August 17th. Stay tuned.
SoCal Countdown: 24 Days
I couldn't have said it better myself. Next time I hear Dave Matthews Band, I'm gonna stab them in the face with a sodering iron.
And if I had a dollar for every band worse than Dave Matthews Band, then I would have 1 dollar. And that dollar would be the one I already had in my pocket, which means that NOBODY sucks as bad as them! Ha!
McNally, all differences about DMB aside, I think Phish's jams suck, if I'm that wrong correct me and show me something badass (granted I haven't listened to them that much).
McNally, Phish isn't together anymore- they broke up, and had you ever heard Dave's rendition of Tangerine when you wrote it was "bad"? And I will say the same as James about the Phish jams, they're alright, but not as good as Dave's.
So me and 40,000 other people went to this shitty ass Dave Matthews concert about a week ago. Shitty ass music- not gonna lie- but what can you expect from Dave? Threw down over 50 "bones" for nothin'. Whatever. Came home, read this brilliant comment on Dave's music- it was like a revelation from the Heavens. It throws band names and guitarist names around so nonchalantly, this guy must know a lot about music. Dave MUST suck.
But then I remembered... Dave sold out the Great Lawn of Central Park with over 100,000 people, and continues to sell out 40,000+ person venues, Giant's Stadium and Soldier Field just to name a few, night after night- some concerts three nights in a row- all summer long, every summer. According to Entertainment Weekly, Dave holds 7 of 15 spots on the highest attended concerts in U.S. history. He has the best-selling independent record of all time. And I don't think I even need to comment on the vast talent underlying every member of the band, but I will anyway... a completely unique style of acoustic guitar, extremely accomplished jazz/classical backgrounds, and a drummer that has been professionally performing in jazz clubs since the age of nine, who is also known to be amongst the world's best... but hell, McNally's right, these fuckers don't know shit about music. At least not as much as he does. But wait... what does Andrew McNally know about music? I hope he's not one of those posers who sits down and pretends he knows how to play a guitar by strumming some Jed Clampet bullshit. I would think he knows who sings Fool in the Rain, that Phish broke up, and that Led Zeppelin was not a jam band- as any dumb Dave fan would. Because if he didn't, I'd tell him to shut his fucking mouth, because he's probably just another one of those asshole "rebels" who take pleasure in being their own petty version of "misunderstood," and who talk like they know more than everyone around them, bitching about shit thinking that people want to listen to their bitching, when actually everyone is praying that they will shut the fuck up and let everyone enjoy themselves. I'd say sounds like this guy needs to listen to some more music before he feels he's in a position to critique it. But fuck that... Dave doesn't need McNally's ticket to continue to sell out the nation's biggest venues. He's Dave. 'Nuff said. People give a damn about him.
P.S. I wouldn't worry about the RIAA reading your bullshit- I doubt they give a damn.
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McNally you were right in your prediction, "I can already foresee more comments about this post than any other, just because I said that Dave Matthews sucks", forgive me for not believing you. This has turned into one of the most interesting battle of clever comments and witty opinions ever. Speaking of which, I have something to say to Mark: "Oh man, the fallout boys are sooo cool!"
I'm sick of arguing about this, but I'm just going to say a few more things after reading the recent updates in the whole Dave contraversy. Tom, I think it's awfully presumptuous of you to speak for thousands of fans and say that they only like an artist because everyone else does, because I know I think that Dave's music kicks ass (and I'm sure that many other fans do, too). Also, it seems unfair to stop liking someone because they decide to branch out on an album or two. I think there's a lot of pressure on big bands like Dave to branch out with their music, because people get sick of hearing the exact same sound. I think he took a risk, for good or for bad, with Everyday, but I don't think it's fair to say that it was only for the money and not at all about the music or the fan. Plenty of other bands do this too. And Mark, when you're trying to argue/start a fight with someone, watch what you say, because it kind of pissed me off when you said all Dave fans are inherently idiots. I'm I Dave fan, and I'm smart enough to figure out that you're calling me an idiot, and that makes me wanna kick your ass because all I did was listen to some music (and defend it when I felt I should). I say bring on the Dance Party!
Tom, for the record, the Song that Jane Likes, Don't Drink the Water, Ants Marching, What Would You Say, Recently, Tripping Billies, Sattelite, Jimi Thing, Typical Situation, Too Much, So Much To Say, Crash Into Me, Stay, Crush, and Rapunzel were all played on the radio before the Everday Songs came out. And Mark how are you going to kick anyones ass?
First of all, I dont want to really argue about this on a comments section of a blog, and Secondly Zack, I didnt say all Dave fans did it because they thought it was cool, I left room for people like you, and Steve and James, and some others who actually LIKE his music.
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