the quick brown fox
so there's this movie made by an eskim--i'm sorry, an inuit, and i have to watch it for my cinema final. don't ask me why. it's called atanarjuat, or "the fast runner" and it's based on an ancient inuit legend, and the first film shot entirely in the inuit language. and it's three hours long. fantastic. i still can't figure out why i really need to watch this, especially considering the fact that the professor told us he fell asleep the first three times he tried to watch it. goddamn, that broderick fox is a douche.
it seems like a poor strategy for fox (the tv network, not the douche) to clump all their cartoons on sunday night. then it just seems like a freak show, side show, novelty act. remember when the simpsons were on sunday, then they had something that probably got cancelled but it was live action, then they had the fucking x-files? now that way, i didn't feel like i was watching the simpsons becuase it's "cartoon sunday" or whatever the hell they've dubbed it, but because it was quality programming that deserved to be alongside the x-files (though the same could not be said for whatever filled the gap between the two). but now that family guy is un-cancelled (which in my opinion is turning out to be sort of a mistake. i havne't had the slightest inclination to stay in on a sunday to watch a new family guy. i think the old ones are such classics now, i feel wrong watching new ones. plus, they just don't feel funny.) they bill it like this big return of the prodigal son from the evils of the cartoon network. you know the fox execs are kicking their own asses ("stand still larry, then you can do me next") for doing it, because i haven't heard much from anybody about how family guy was awesome last night. it seems like it's not the new water cooler phenom that it was supposed to be. i'm sure it's still funny though, unlike american dad. you know that fucking seth mcfarland has a death grip on fox now that he beat the system. he's raking it in, and good for him, he fucked the man in the ass. the man deserves it.
speaking of x-files, my friend brian got the complete series online from china for less than 100 bucks. the shipping cost more than the actual box set. sure there are typos in the packaging, but hell, there are typos on this blog, and you're still reading, so who cares? he's got like a full week of x-files, and he just bought the movie too. so he has conceivably bought every x-files episode put to film, unless there's some lost episode where mulder's sister comes back and they talk to his dad (smoking man!), and it turns out his mom is alive, and they explain everything, like the humans are all aliens! i think that was the direction they were going anyway, and plus, i think the first part of that last sentence about fox(mulder)'s family actually happened in an episode. or an episode arc at least.
man, i keep unintentionally incorporating motifs into my posts. one time i did it with the bollocks thing, and when i ended up looking it up on urban dictionary for the link, i figured out that i had used it in almost every context that was listed. it was crazy weird. and now this time, each little paragraph has something to do with some kind of fox, whether it be my douchebag professor (who describes himself as "avant garde." that's so arrogant. screw off), the television company, or the mulder. it's innate in me, it is.
now for your viewing pleasure, enjoy one of the less scary songs/videos radiohead has made. the song is called "just"
and for those more politically inclined, here's a slightly scarier video from radiohead called "sit down. stand up. (snakes and ladders.)"
and for those more Lego-ly inclined, here's that first video, "just" made "just" (haha) with Legos. it would probably help to watch the original first, just to get the impact.
hope you enjoy youtube's new video player as much as i do. let's play ball.
I agree, there can be too many cartoons in one night....However, I still watch them...It's like i'm losing control
All of those are amazing amazing amazing.I can't wait to see Radiohead this summer.
You could have been wearing this shirt.[enter]
simpsons isn't as great as it used to be either
Yeah, I'm doing bonaroo also. It's going to be a good june.
Damn that Inuit movie.
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