keeping up with the bernacheas
I finally got a cell phone. Call me whenever you like. It's going to be nice being in the loop for the last three weeks of summer. Nothing much else has been going on lately. I've just been sitting on my ass watching movies for the past few days. Really exciting stuff, but I think I'll just spare you the details. The Cubs are fluctuating, as usual. But the Oakland A's 2nd half resurgence is amazing. Zito, my boy, I always knew you had it in you. Even last year, when you were struggling a bit, I refused to trade you from my fantasy baseball team. Barry, you're my boy!
King of the Hill is on, so I'm gonna go sit on my ass and watch that. Summer sure is going out with a bang.
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Next ish: You probably won't hear from me until Sunday. I'll have a lot to say then, after the Secret Machines concert and seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark in a park on Saturday. I'll explain later.
SoCal Countdown: 21 Days
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