summerfest eludes me yet again
Two perfectly good chances to go to Summerfest, wasted. Somehow I manage to have nothing going on the 4th of July and Ben Folds was calling my name. I even have access to a free fucking ticket to get in, and two other people that are interested in going. Well, for some reason or another (probably the fact that the weather was hella shitty), those plans get abandoned. So instead, that night I drink so much I have no recollection of what I did or who I offended. And no one will tell me either! It's probably better I don't know, but alcohol-induced amnesia, or "puking out your memories" (do you dare risk the link??) as I like to call it, is really fucking weird. I remember getting to the house, my first 6 shots or so, then things get hazy. I remember some random events, i.e. talking to Kristen, conversing with James the bartender, stumbling around, etc. but other than that, nothing. From approximately 12:30 AM to 1:30 PM the next day when I woke up, I don't remember shit.
My next opportunity for Summerfest came the day I was recovering from said binge. I would have to pay for the ticket, but I wouldn't have to drive. I'm not the biggest Death Cab for Cutie fan, but I would have seen them in concert. But due to a mix-up of schedules (they play Thursday, not Wednesday) those plans are also scrapped. Now I don't think I'll be going on another bender tonight, but I'll find something to do. Maybe I'll sit at home with my shiny new laptop and listen to The Shins. On a side note, I've realized that I don't really listen to music for the lyrics anymore. It seems like I'm drawn to the overall sound not the quality of songwriting. Now that I really listen to a lot of the songs I've downloaded, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've rediscovered the most obvious layer of all music, the words. It seems that if the overall sound is good, the lyrics are usually right up there with it, because I still like the music I download, even though I never really payed attention to what they were talking about. I'm glad I haven't been listening to a song that has a kickin' beat but is talking about killing babies or something.
There's still a couple days left of Summerfest, so hope isn't completely lost. And there's always next year. And I have the Secret Machines concert to look forward to still. Summer has been looking up, or at least from what I remember it has been.
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