some were born to sing the blues
Ah, Journey. I've heard that song so much this summer, I've grown to hate it. I think it's because every time I have a bad day, I seem to hear that song. Some kind of association/conditioned response/psychology shit I guess.
Man, that last post was fuckin massive, wasn't it? Damn. I can't top that. But today I got to go to my friend's house on a lake, and we went out on the boat. Only for a little while because we got there at like 6:00 and they can't have a wake after 7:00. But oh well, I still had fun. Then we played some catch and listened to some tunes and watched Frequency. Frequency has Jesus in it before he was Jesus. Jim Caviezel is a really good actor, I've come to realize. That is, unless The Passion sucked. I haven't seen it. Am I a bad person?
Canada is looking a little sketchy. A bunch of people can't go, some of whom are really good friends of mine who I really want to go. I don't know if the whole thing will be canned or if I just won't go. Plus a friend of mine who's going to USC with me might be coming to town during that week. I really don't want to miss that, so maybe we can go to Canada another time. Hopefully things work out. But given my track record for the summer, they won't. Somehow things will unfold so that I can't go to Canada and I won't see my friend either. I have had the worst luck this summer. Cubs game anyone?
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Next ish: Nothing planned for the next few days, but we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll get into one of those funks and bore you all to death with my complaints about life. You'd better hope not.
SoCal Countdown: 27 Days
C'mon. You've had some fun this summer. You, uh, started that little novel hmmmmm? A little character development hmmmmmm? A little plot stretch to the denoumont hmmmm? But it all comes together nicely hmmmmm?
Damnit McD you can't back out of the Canada trip.
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