trey shoulda died
Goddammit Josh Schwartz, I fucking hate Trey and he shoulda never woken up from that coma. Watch the goddamn OC if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm really not that pissed off, since I expected it to happen, and it's really not that big a deal. But I do hate Julie Cooper-Nichol with a freakin' passion. Major bitch. But overall, I did enjoy the season premiere and I look forward to putting off partying on Thursday nights to watch.
So the sign up sheet for the Emmy's filled up faster than Kirsten's shot glass. There's a massive waiting list, if I really cared, but it's no biggie. It would have been super cool, but there will be plenty of other opportunities to go to shit like that. I've heard that some of the cinema kids get to go to the Oscars. Not just the red carpet, but GO to the Oscars. But I am going to the Dodgers/Padres game tonight. Yes, it is the Dodgers and the Padres, and you must be asking "Why the fuck would you want to go to that? Derek Lowe isn't even pitching!" and the answer is, "I know that, but it's fucking baseball and I want a Dodger Dog." That's it. I need to get off campus tonight, and this is my ticket. It'll be fun, even though Woody Williams is pitching for the Padres and I hate Woody Williams because he used to be on the Cardinals.
Saw another zombie movie last night. Shaun of the Dead was thoroughly enjoyable and I'm glad I waited to see it until after I saw a few "actual" zombie movies, because this thing is chock-full of references and fun little tidbits. It's like a box of Lucky Charms. The little brown cardboard pieces are okay, but the marshmallows make the cereal. Think about that one, take it home, chew it, it's delicious.
Hmm, I feel like there was something else I wanted to talk about. Oh, a bunch of people from my floor went to a gay bar last night. Interesting. I did not join them, since I did not feel like dancing. I don't want to be the jerk who ruins every girl at the bar's night because they had planned on going out to dance at a bar where no one would hit on them and I show up and think "What the hell else am I gonna do? I didn't come to a club just to dance." So yeah. Like I said before I stayed here and watched Shaun of the Dead. Good enough for me, I had a little liquor in me, so I was satiated.
I've been thinking about going halfsies on a Netflix subscription because we really need it. Nobody has Dawn of the Dead and it's pissing me and Daren off. So if anyone has any experience with Netflix, I'd like to know a little more about it. What subscription is actually worth it? Should we do one at a time, two, or three? I've heard that three is the best deal but with next day delivery, I can't really see the use in getting more than one at a time. Help me out here.
I still think there's something else I wanted to say, but it'll wait. I'll tell you how the Dodger game goes, even though you don't care, because honestly, who cares about the Dodgers? No one, that's who. At least no one who matters. Is Mark Prior a Dodgers fan? Fuck no. So do I care about the Dodgers? No, because Mark Prior is my hero. Maybe he'll come to the football game next week...
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Next ish: I'm still thinking about those changes, and I'm coming up with some ideas. Now all I gotta do is get my fat ass in gear and do it.
McNally, you made the right decision, you know which one I'm talking about.
Mcnally, why the fuck didnt you go to the gay bar?
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