fuckin' carl
Since it seems that my blog traffic has been slowly decreasing as everyone gets engrossed in their own comings and goings, I've decided to just talk about stuff that's happening around here, whether or not you're from here, wherever here is, and commas are an incredibly useful tool in extending sentences, such as this one which has gone on for approximately 62 or so words. But anyway.
I ate at Carl's Jr. today, if anyone is familiar with the burger chain. It drew some media attention with a particularly raunchy ad featuring (who else?) Paris Hilton. That woman, I mean, that girl. She's obviously not mature enough (mentally) to be considered a woman, though some might argue that she's mature enough (physically) to be called whatever she wants. Does that include "whore," "pornstar," and "cocksucker"? Because when I think Paris Hilton, I think those. When I think Paris Hilton, I do not think, "Mmm, Carl's Jr. I could really go for a Double Western Bacon Chee right now." That's what I had at Carl's Jr. The Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger. It was a greasy, glorious, 900 calories that sucked the life right outta me. I'm not good with fast food anymore, since I hardly eat it nowadays. Kevin James describes my situation perfectly. When I eat fast food, I feel like a bear that just got shot with a tranquilizer dart. I just want to lay around and let the calories congeal into fat, or however that works. I'm not a damn biology major.
Interesting side note on Carl's Jr. Why the fuck is it Carl's Jr. and not Carl Jr's? I don't say, "I borrowed Ken Griffey's Jr. bat." (Funniest quote ever from Cam) But now you know who Carl is in the post title. Cam had a bad day at Carl's Jr. Long story short, it took them 20 minutes to get his order wrong. Add details as you like.
I saw Brazil, Terry Gilliam's masterpiece, at Grauman's Egyptian Theater in Hollywood the other day. Lot's of info in that one sentence, and a lot of history behind Brazil which I will not delve into, since I'm not an expert. But I highly recommend it to anyone who gives a damn. But just make sure that the version you see is 142 minutes (The Criterion Collection DVD, I believe), or if you can't find that, the 132 minute version isn't that bad. Just DO NOT SEE the 90 minute version, if it's even out there, because it's completely worthless. Okay, so you're probably confused. Just see the movie, Robert De Niro makes it completely worth your time, even if you don't like the rest of it.
I'm not tired, and it's 1 AM, and I have class at 10 tomorrow. I'm downloading movies and albums like a mother, and I've become addicted to apple juice. Other things I've become since coming to USC:
- Andrew (instead of McNally).
- A winner.
- A corrupter of innocents.
- One of many Trivio's. (Yes, believe it or not, there are people here that can quote more movies than I can)
- Sober (so far).
- That one guy with the hair and the tattoo (okay, so I was that before I left, but I still wanted to write it to let you all know that even in California, I'm the guy with the hair and the tattoo)
- A C-student (at least by my predictions, since I'm doing bare minimum for homework).
I'm done for tonight. But I want you all to know, I met a guy who used to have a fetish for slapping people in the face with Chipotle burritos. It sounds much weirder in print, and not coming from Trent's mouth. But goddamn, that guy is funny. Just think Brant, and you've got the humor. A good dose of home for me. Good guy, that Trent, as we all were discussing at lunch (at Carl's Jr! Dammit!). Alright, I'll have more to say later in the week.
Currently enjoying:

Next ish: I'm going to ask the audience on this one Regis. A decision must be made by this weekend on what to do over Labor Day. I have options, which I will inform you of soon, and I expect some advice, or at least one dumbass comment, if you're all not too busy with your U of I bullshit. Sorry, that sounded hostile. But you guys are having so much fun without me...
Don't worry about blog traffic McNally (you'll never be Andrew to us, neither will Revis for that matter)I still check daily for updates. And hey, I'll give you TWO dumbass comments, since you asked for them.
#1: they call it Carl's Jr. because Jr. is a reference to Carl's weener.
#2: in my opinion, the tooth care industry has gone WAY too far.
There were two other spam comments, but I thought I would leave this last one up, since it's so funny. Feel free to check his site, it sounds pretty useful.
Well, I agree about the Paris Hilton thing.... The thing is you can’t not watch her. I feel the same way about Paris as I do when I see a naked fat chick. I think “Holy shit!!! My eyes! My eyes!” but I can’t stop looking, and then I wonder how in the hell she has lived to be a legal adult and never been arrested for drugs or something….. I mean really, who is naturally THAT stupid?
I won't eat at any fast food establishments anymore..... "Super Size Me" ruined it for me forever.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I will visit again.
~ Jenn
Andrew, you should go to the main page of blogger and enable word verification on your blog. Blogger is notorious for spammers and they are finally doing something about it...
I do agree that you should change your settings to require comments be verified by the "code" entry. You can also select the options to not accept anonymous comments.
~ Jenn
God's not responsible for our FREE-WILL, America. Thus, we sinful mortals can condemn ourselves at any time (ie homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, witchcraft...and you die without repentance) God's sad, certainly, but our FREE-WILL says to God, "Don't interfere". And God Almighty respects that - Your choice. Your demise.
who the fuck are these people??
They work for me
Ahem, McNally, you won't eat at McDonald's but 900 calories goes down smoothly?....hmmm.
And by the way, my freewill says to God: Why do you allow stupid comments to be put into blogs. There are chatrooms for that. And if you don't wanna go there, then we can fight by the apple trees outside the Union at 4 oclock. Be there Kadaver, you have no free will on this one, it is your destiny!
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