So even when I have wicked writer's block, and I can hardly get through my screenwriting assignments, I still make time for you. I had sorta hinted at a change of pace in the preview for this post, but you know what? I'm all creative-ed out. So a radical new post is going to have to wait till another day.
We had an impromptu performance of "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the Cinema Floor tonight. It's funny how loud music and an open door can attract a crowd. Very surreal experience, sitting in a dark room with ten other people singing Queen. You should try it sometime.
I mentioned writer's block. It may have been that I was just really tired today, but I was struggling hardcore today trying to punch out a couple scenes. I got most of it done though, and it turned out alright. Nothing great, but alright. Enough to pass, which is all I'm looking for.
James says that Mr. Johnson is reading blogs. If this is true, I also agree with James when he says "Where are the comments, Doug?" I'm totally serious. Hopefully I've done him proud, since he was always very supportive throughout the college application process. Us kids are all growed up now, Mr. Johnson! College kids do crazy stuff sometimes, and I like to write about it, so be prepared, if you're out there. If not, then I'm just talking to myself, which I've actually been doing a lot of lately. Sometimes it feels like this whole blog is just me talking to myself. Not because, you guys aren't reading, because I know you are, but in the actual writing process I feel like I'm doing it for my own benefit sometimes.
Anyways...enough about adults and their suspicious nature. Back to the antics of college life. Actually I don't really have any. Oh wait. My floor gets to go to the Emmy's. That's cool. And I'm probably going to a Dodgers game on Friday. My floor kicks so much ass. We just get to go to the Emmy's and stand on the red carpet. Well, not on the red carpet, but around it. In the vicinity of it. Okay, so we're around the block, what of it? No, I assume we'll be like behind the ropes or whatever. We have no reason to be there, but we get to go. How cool is that? I plan on telling Rachel Bilson how fucking hot she is using an extremely loud and obnoxious voice. Maybe I'll see Merry on the red carpet, since he kicked so much ass in Lost. I'm bringing a camera, and I'll try and get the pics online somehow. Otherwise, you'll just have to take my word for it.
Shit, I have to storyboard a graphic novel by Monday. Wasn't that the coolest sentence concerning homework ever? I love that fucking class. Comics are freakin' sweet, and you all know it. Revis especially. Holla back Revis. God, I'm turning into such a prick. The dangers of living in California:
- Forgetting how to drive, since everyone else here seems to never have learned.
- Succumbing to styles of clothes, music, speech, etc. that you would normally despise (no, I haven't become a Dave Matthews fan, keep dreaming).
- Lung cancer from breathing second-hand smoke even when no one around you is smoking (smog isn't just an urban legend you know).
- Sunburn.
- Realizing that your hometown sucks ass compared to all the cool shit you can do in California.
- Becoming gay (only applicable in San Francisco).
- Becoming a prick (like that gay joke I just made. That was in bad taste, I'll try to do better).
- Not knowing when anything is on TV because of that damn Pacific Standard Timezone.
Currently enjoying:

Next ish: Will I change things up? Will things be different? You'll just have to wait and see. But the answer is probably not next time. Damn. Now you're not going to come back and see.
I'm enjoing the hype surrounding the mystery of the new radical blog.
don't get too excited.
Well...if you could, when you see Tom Hanks on the red carpet yell in a retarded voice: Lieutenant Dan Ice Cream! Dan, Ice Cream! Thanks.
Oh and God Bless.
Writer's block is for pussies.
Just write. Do it. It's the only thing that works.
don't worry, i changed my address so it's no longer necessary to blog about my dad. i'm pretty sure he knows what kind of stuff goes on in college, too.
But I want him to read my blog.
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