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I guess that last post was completely useless since I'm now doing this one before anyone had a chance to read it. But whatev. What's up with me? Not much. San Diego was the right choice I think. The slide was great, the beach was awesome, and I had some really good burritos. Being from Illinois, I've never had anything that is apparently "essential" out here. For example, In 'N Out. I imagine that In 'N Out is kinda like Beef-a-Roo in Rockford, except Beef-a-Roo is actually the best possible fast food you can get (outside of Arby's of course). There's nothing special about In 'N Out, just another burger joint in my opinion. Maybe I had a subpar Double-Double, or maybe it's just an average burger, I don't know. All I know is that all these "essential" California foods are gonna make me fat. Good thing I don't have a scale in my dorm room. I don't want to worry about my weight when there's TV to watch, I mean, homework to do.
The beach was completely amazing. There are some beautiful beaches down in San Diego, much better than those in LA (at least from what I've heard, since I've only been to one LA beach, and it was kinda dirty). Now I want to learn how to surf. Really bad. Because it looks really fun. I felt bad being a "shoobie" (for those of you who understand, I pity your TV watching habits) who got in the way of the surfers, but I had fun in the waves, man. Body surfing can fuck you up good. And by body surfing, I mean more or less trying to swim with the wave. I got worked a couple times doing that. But it's all good. But then I fell asleep laying on my stomach and my back got all red. Not really sunburned though, since it doesn't hurt, but red. It sucks because my front side didn't get that much sun, and now I sorta look like a minnow. Dark on the dorsal side, light on the belly. I can't complain though, I had fun.
I'm still in danger of running out of money. I keep finding CDs that I need to buy (Phantom Planet and the new Death Cab, among others), and concerts that I need to see. There was one this weekend actually that sounded awesome. The Black Keys, Spoon, Radar Bros., and Cat Power were all playing, and it sounded incredible. But I'll live to see another day, despite missing the concert. Tomorrow (according to a Facebook announcement) there will be a Labor Day Zombiefest at Trojan Hall. They're showing three zombie movies, and I'm totally there. Speaking of Facebook, what the fuck is this shit about a "high school Facebook." That's not cool with me. Obviously the people at Facebook shoulda consulted me and then I coulda told them that it's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life. Make the kids wait until senior year when they actually get a college acceptance letter like I had to do. Waiting builds character, bitches. And without character, you're never going to make friends in college. So Facebook is more or less destroying these poor high-schoolers' chances of getting laid in a smelly freshman dorm room after a night of excessive drinking during their first week of college. I'm not sympathizing with those bastards though, since that didn't happen to me my first week of college. Maybe I'm missing the point of "high school Facebook" completely, but I can't see any good coming from it in any way, shape, or form, so why don't we just scrap this shitty idea and get back to stealing my free time, you addictive piece of HTML glory that is known as, huh? You already threw me a loop by taking out the "the" in your URL, so let's not push it, okay?
The Brothers Grimm kinda sucked. I was expecting so much more from Terry Gilliam and Matt Damon (who can be good when Ben Affleck isn't being an anchor by dragging from Matt's coat tails) and Heath Ledger (yes, Heath Ledger, I enjoyed A Knight's Tale, fuck you). But it just wasn't doing it for me. There were definitely some parts that kicked ass, but the whole first half is completely incomprehensible. See it for yourself if you don't believe me. I'll bet this was just like Brazil and the Weinsteins totally fucked up Terry's vision for this movie. At least that's my hope. We'll wait for the DVD.
Anyone see USC stomp the shit out of those pussy Rainbows? I sure did. And Matt Leinart is all the greater for it. That bitch Carson Palmer can kiss Mr. Leinart's cleats, because there's a new all time touchdown pass leader at USC. Next up: Arkansas. We got two weeks to prep, so do your job boys, I trust ya. Oh yeah, nice job by the Illini pulling away with that OT win. My props go out to you. Rutgers couldn't handle the heat.
Had some severe homesickness at points over the weekend, especially because of a couple of phone calls I got. You guys back home gotta watch what you drink, because I'm not going to want to stay out here if I keep getting drunk phone calls like that. Other things spurred on some homesickness, but I won't go into them, because I don't like being all girly like that. Just know that I'm still jones-ing for home every once in a while, so you guys haven't totally lost me yet. Two weeks into the semester already! Only like ten or so left to go!
Currently enjoying:

Next ish: Word to the wise, beware the 38. See if the schizophrenia sets in now. I don't know what's next, but when it comes, I'll tell it to come see you.
Speaking of Facebook, I fucking hate the new wall. It sucks, it's not even a real wall anymore, it's a message board or a comment section. Regardless of what it is now, it definetly isn't a wall. I would encourage all of you to e-mail those mother-fuckers at and give them a piece of your mind, unless you agree with them.
You gotta deal with the word verification because nothing pisses me off more than comments that weren't written by real people. Except of course, when the Yankees beat the A's, because that just plain old shouldn't happen.
it will also probably prevent some people from posting stupid drunken comments. Good thing or bad thing, I don't know...
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