fight for your right
I went to a bonfire at Manhattan Beach today. And despite what you may think, Manhattan Beach is in L.A. Weird, I know, but stay with me here. A USC girl that I've been hanging out with let us all know about this little shindig. Everyone there was from La Canada, her hometown, and again, despite what you may think, La Canada does not mean "the Canada." It's actually a small portion of L.A. Still with me? So these hometown fuckers are really stingy with the beer. They don't know me, so I don't get beer. Of course, I never pay for anything, so I wasn't about to shell out any money for some. I'm no alcoholic. Everyone knows that.
Everyone here finds the Midwest so fascinating. I put pepper on Mac N' Cheese, and everyone freaks. I put ketchup on eggs, and everyone freaks. I say "dammit" or "back" or "yeah" and everyone freaks at my "accent." I rather enjoy the accent that I never knew I had. Chicks dig the accents. But Illinois is a real conversation piece, since California kicks so much ass, and Illinois sucks so much of it. Everyone wants to know why it sucks. One word: corn. I haven't seen one cornfield since I got here, and I have to say, I'm not complaining. It's not that I don't like Illinois, it's just that...well, I guess it's just that I don't like Illinois. But don't worry, I'll be home at Christmas. But after going to the beach, I'm really tempted to live out here someday. Never out of the question I guess.
I might get a job, as I found out tonight. Campus Cruiser called me up and set up an interview. I'm pretty excited. No better way to get to know the area around campus and the people on campus than by picking them up from random places when they're drunk. Plus, I'm a night person, so I'm basically perfect for the job. As if the interviewer reads my blog. But if you are reading this, I seriously would be an awesome Campus Cruiser. I know how to drive. I know how to deal with drunk people (Mark! Carly!). I'd be great.
No class for me tomorrow. I normally would have an Oceanography lab on Tuesday, but since we've only had one class, there's no lab this week. So a token day off. I plan on sleeping, eating, then hanging out with whoever else isn't in class. Should be a fun time. Look me up, if you aren't learning.
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Next ish: I didn't even talk about classes. But they were alright. English is going to be even worse than I thought. About ten minutes in I was already doodling. Oceanography: badass, as expected. Comics is going to be really cool as well. My first screenwriting class isn't until Thursday, so I'll let you know about that. Maybe my next post will be about the new lingo I've been learning about. So until then, I'm gonna huck it, so I'll catch you gypsies late (yes, late, not later).
I'm wondering what one does in an oceanography lab. Go to the ocean?
There are indeed many cornfields here. Shit. I never noticed before.
So anyway, I was out plowing the fields and then mom called me in for some hot dogs in my mac and cheese
...soooo if i talked like that, chicks in LA would dig me?
You and your lucky fucking schedule. FUCK!
I can't tell if you're joking or serious.
It's Illinois. No one jokes about corn in Illinois. That will get you killed.
Corn mafia or something. I've said too much.
don't tell Revis, but I'm gonna burn that motha-fucking cornfield down to the ground.
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