for those of us in the know
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I've added a movie section on the sidebar. Being in California, at USC, on the Cinema Floor, you can guarantee I'm going to see a lot of kickass movies, so I decided to keep y'all in the know movie-wise. Forget The Brothers Grimm though. I'll be putting up every movie I see, but I'll have to think of a way to differentiate between the good and the bad, and the just plain ugly (like Showgirls). If you guys haven't heard already, there's a straight-to-DVD Family Guy movie, which is easily available for download online. Check BitTorrent, that's where I got it. I know how you guys love your Family Guy and this definitely does not disappoint. In the first 10 minutes there are at least three "oh my God, I can't believe that said that" moments that Family Guy is so famous for. It's a damn good time, check it out. And Lost Season One came out on DVD, and I really want it. Crash just came out too! Damn, there goes the bank account...
I've become obsessed with Miami Ink on TLC. Pair that with my already existing desire for another tattoo, and you've got trouble. My 18th birthday is coming quick, and I'm gonna blow some cash. So for those of you reading this, a task. Keep an eye out for sweet designs of stuff you think I might like, and send it my way. Email, a comment on a post, AIM, whatever. I'm definitely interested though.
I'm getting greedy for comments. I've even toyed with the possibility of implementing a "2 drink minimum" concept. Maybe like 6 comments before I post again. But I'm not gonna do that, I'm just being a selfish asshole. But I like knowing that you're all reading and enjoying and talking about it. I've also noticed that a lot of comments on other people's blogs concern me and my Californian nature. What's the deal here? I'm in Kalifornia. You're in Illinoise. Maybe it's just a jealousy thing, but I'm not going to touch that issue with a 10 foot pole. I do like the attention that I get, even on blogs that aren't mine. I don't know why this is even an issue. Disregard this entire paragraph. It's just full of my idiotic, jerk-off thoughts that I can usually filter through to give you the juicy, chocolate-y goodness that you're used to.
Homesickness has been coming and going, but I'm not whining about it anymore. It's a natural part of college life, and it's not even like it's a bad thing. I miss you guys, is there anything wrong with that? Of course not. I know you'll be there at Christmas, so what the fuck am I so worried about? I don't know. I'm just getting anxious, I guess. But no worries. Don't pity the blogging idiot.
Currently enjoying:

Next ish: Everyone has to see Night of the Living Dead before they can post on my blog again. Well, there's no real way I can enforce that, but seriously, you gotta see it. It rocks. Next time, I'll probably talk about movies some more...and music...and I sensing a rut? Something has to be done about that...
It's mostly that Revis punk you keeps bashing on CA, although everyone had to take a stab at you for insulting corn. What were you thinking? Illinois is the breadbasket for corn for the entire fucking world! We love corn in Illinois, especially central Illinois.
I also hear you on the comment greed, I can't get enough of those. I've even found myself commenting on my own blog to try and stimulate more comments.
Anyway, I better go download the family guy movie. And you should get a tatoo of a bunch of numbers on your forearm. When people ask you about it, you can say you got it when you were in some kind of warcamp/foreign prison, it's a good conversation starter. It's also proof that you escaped from jail and are thus an outlaw and thus a badass and thus a force to be reckoned with.
James, people get comments when they post.
no shit sherlock
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