absinthe party at the fly honey warehouse
Believe it or not, that's a song title. Minus the Bear. I'm told they're quite good. Absinthe, on the other hand, is just plain ol' fucked up. My first college shot was a shot of 140 proof Absinthe last night. Nothing really crazy happened, but at least I experienced it. Los Angeles is a strange place. They like their merchandise pricey here. I bought a new pair of sandals (Rainbows!) for 50 bucks. Yes, yes, make fun. I know you want to. Everyone here tells you that Rainbows are the "thing" to have, but in all honesty, I'd buy them just for the comfort, not for the style. They are quite comfortable. Read the description on the link and you'll see why.
Jamba Juice is my God. Plain and simple. I must try every...single...flavor! Having never made the trip to Chicago for Jamba Juice (White Castle was much more worthwhile), I never knew what I was missing. And when I told everyone here that I had never had it, of course, they drag me straight there. Once again, I was not disappointed. It's one of the few hyped up things that live up to the hype. I thoroughly enjoy the Jamba.
But with my 50 dollar sandal purchase, and putting my new TV on my debit card, I'm going to broke. Soon. And with movies I want to see (in theaters, which out here costs almost as much as a DVD. 14 dollars. No, I'm not joking), and Amoeba Records right around the corner from the movie theater, the day where I have no money approaches even faster. AND I need new shorts, and some more supplies and such, and who knows what other expenditures are coming soon to a bank account near me. Good thing I got that job. Campus Cruiser wants me. They want me bad. The only downside: going to the DMV and getting a California driver's license. Not going to be fun. I'm gonna be uber-busy for the next semester. What with parties and work and shopping and...and...oh yeah, classes. Pshh. Classes.
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Next ish: Going to my distant cousin's house tomorrow. I think it's in Laguna Beach, or somewhere around that area, but I'm not entirely sure. If it is, I'll let you know. If not, I won't say a word.
I've actually seen Minus the Bear live. I didn't really care for thier performance, but I think that was just because I was looking forward to Straylight Run's performance afterward.
Well, you told me to make fun so hear goes..."You F(*&ing gaylord! Fifty bucks to be gay! I bet those suck." Just kidding, I'm sure the shoes are fine. You are gay though.
A Mac, Scott L here we never were much friends in high school but I have been secrectly (never having commented on anything) been enjoying your blog since you've gone to California (found it linked off of ryan's blog) Keep up the good work. Sounds like fun out there. I also saw Minus the Bear live (same gig as Ryan). However, I liked them and bought thier CD. Frequently played.
Dear McNally, once again you are a big fat Johnny Come Lately. For I, James The Magnificant (drunk), purchased the very same pair of sandals back in June. Don't you remember, I wore them everyday at work, we worked together, remember? They're great sandals though, they got a fucking lifetime warranty. Good luck with your Johnnieness.
Love James
Does it technically count as Johnnieness if I didn't know that they were the exact same sandals?
I asked Revis, and yes it is
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