final: 70-17
It almost takes the fun out of it. I can almost guarantee I'm not going to stay for an entire football game because they're all going to be pretty similar to what we've seen in the two games we've played so far. Maybe the Notre Dame game will be good, but that's at Notre Dame. UCLA will just be intense, so I'll probably stay for that, but that's the last game of the season.
I've realized that this ain't Boylan. I can't sit in the front row anymore, since I have no authority. God knows I want to be right up front, in a toga and face paint, screaming at Matt Leinart to look at me. But here the fraternities send their little minions (read "pledges") to save entire sections for them. Not cool, man. The whole bottom section is taken by frats. I was more than a little pissed that I had to sit in *gasp* the second section up. I sound like a little bitch I know, but damn, I want to be involved.
Saw Corpse Bride on Friday, and it was really good. Go see it as soon as you can. On a very good side note, they show the new Harry Potter trailer in all it's big-screen glory before it. That alone is worth the 12.50 admission I paid. We saw it at the Grove theater, which is in the middle of this mall kinda thing. We ate at Johnny Rockets (read "Steak N Shake" for all the Midwest kids) which was enjoyable. But seriously, things out here need to stop being so hyped up. When people heard I hadn't been to In 'N Out, they flipped. I could flip on them for never having been to Beef-a-Roo, but do I? No, because they're from California, and there's no Beef-a-Roo in California. Come on, guys. I'm from Illinois, so I don't know shit about all this stuff that's supposedly amazing, but in reality is pretty good, but nothing to freak out about.
Did anyone see me on TV? I was one of those 90,411 fans, so I thought maybe someone picked me out. No? Too bad.
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Next ish: All my big stuff happened this weekend. If anything exciting happens, you can bet I'll think about writing about it.
I saw you were the little dot mixed in with the 90,410 other dots that I counted. That's right, I counted them all.
mmmmmmm Beef-a-Roo. 12.50?! That's insane.
What is Steak N Shake?
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