cemetery screening
I saw my first Woody Allen movie last night, in a cemetery in Hollywood. Needless to say, a very surreal experience. Annie Hall is a really good movie. Although all the stereotypes and caricatures of Woody Allen that you see on the Simpsons and Family Guy are dead-on, he's still a damn good filmmaker. That movie made me realize that I'm more or less Jewish on the inside. I am Woody Allen, though I don't claim to be anywhere near as talented as him. I think I talk in a manner very similar to his character in Annie Hall. And his character is pretty much himself. He talks to women like I do (only he's much more successful with it), he makes jokes like I do (although his are much funnier and wittier than mine), he complains like I do. I hate to say it, but in admitting this, I'm pretty much confirming my reputation as McNegative. Guess it's just inevitable. That movie made me a little depressed for some not-so-obvious reasons, but if you see it, think about why it might make me depressed, and you'll probably get it.
This blog has turned into a forum for movies that I've seen. That change of pace is looking mighty fine right about now. I've got a lot of other work to do today though, so today's not the day.
I refuse to go to MySpace. I fucking hate MySpace. I use it for posting pictures that I can't find online. That's all. It's just a gross version of Facebook, even though it was around before Facebook. So don't worry about me changing websites. I'll think of different ways to change pace.
Went to a crew party last night. Nothing really that great. Just long lines for a little bit of alcohol. I'm sure if we had shown up earlier than we did, it would have been a bit better, because there was a band playing and stuff to mix drinks with. By the time we got there, all that was left was the shitty vodka and a bit of Hawaiian Punch. Believe it or not, I actually preferred beer last night, which is saying something, coming from me. But I still had an okay time, since I got to finally drink something. And it being my first real college party (and thank God it wasn't on the row) I think it went well. I say that about the row because I imagine the row as a bunch of horny dudes trying to dupe girls into coming into their houses. If I was a part of one of those houses, I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with it. But I think a party at a regular house is a good intro to the scene.
My birthday is in two weeks, our first home football game is this coming Saturday, and if I can stay healthy, I plan on going to some more parties soon. The cold bug is going around the floor, as I'm sure it does on all floors everywhere, and I think I'm next. I'll just have to take my vitamins and drink lots of fluids (Jack Daniels included). The Cubs are fighting their way back to .500 which is really all anyone expected from them this season. Way back in the beginning, everyone was saying 81-81, and it's looking like that could be the case. But is it just me or does every team in baseball suck this year? I mean, look at the wild card standings. When the Brewers and the Mets, two teams with sub .500 records, are only 5 1/2 games out, there's something wrong with baseball. The Cubs still have a legitimate chance of getting the wild card, though I'm not holding my breath. I'll root for the Cubs until the last game of the season, then it's Oakland all the way. And that's not blasphemy, so fuck off.
So I'm keeping an eye out for interesting things to write about, but I'm really just telling you what I've been doing. It's not even that interesting half the time, but I just need to write something. This is the only place I can just write without thinking about it. If I write a damn paper without thinking about it, then my teachers are on my ass about it and I can't just say I wrote the damn thing "stream-of-consciousness" style because they're not down with that. That was a rant if I ever heard one. I'm gonna go write a comic book.
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Next ish: I'll get around to reformatting soon, I promise. I already pretty much know what I'm gonna do, so it's coming soon. If something cool ever happens to me (not everyone can have stories like Bradley) I'll tell you.
eventually it has to be drawn and colored and all that, but for now, all i have to do is a story and some storyboards.
Hey dude, I haven't commented in a while but that doesn't mean that I have ceased reading. I have just been very busy and doing things you would enjoy I'm sure. By that I mean I bought Lost Season 1 and watched the whole thing. Fin awesome. I also copied and watched the whole first season of Scrubs which I highly recommend as well. It sounds like you are having a nice time even though you are millions of miles away from civilization. I know what its like being away from EVERYONE and not being able to see everyone but for two or three times. I love you buddy and always remain as awesome as you were when you left. Keep up the awesome blogs and I will continue to be a faithful reader. Awesome friends forever. Tom
no she's from minnesota i think.
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