google earth
The greatest invention of mankind. What is it? The Internet? Easy Mac? Pornography? No. Well, yes, probably. But one of the coolest things I have seen lately is Google Earth. I sound like I'm selling it to you, but I'm not (because it's free). If it wasn't free, I would be selling it to you, because it's that cool. If you've got a half-decent computer (i.e. one that was made in the past two or three years, or updated in that time) you can get it. It definitely gets Ra's Seal of Approval (copyrights be damned!).
That's the highlight of my day. There's a good story on how I found it too. I was on Facebook (who isn't when they're not in class?) and I was searching groups. I search "baseball" and I come across the "Baseball Team" which apparently consists of four varsity baseball team members. Not sure if it's legit, not important. I look at the common groups of the members and all four of them are in a group called "420" and in the announcements of this high-class group there was a suggestion to check out while inhaling some herbal substance. Well, with or without the herbal substance, it's worth the 2 second download (if you've got wicked fast 'Net powers like I do).
Tuesdays are fast becoming my easiest day. And I don't even go to class on Fridays. Sure, I have class on Friday, but I don't have to go, since it's a lecture, and the notes are posted online, and it doesn't matter. But back to Tuesday. I have Oceanography lab at 10. It's so easy, and it's sorta fun, and it never goes all the way to 11:50 like it's supposed to. It makes me feel like I accomplished something. Gives you a feeling of satisfaction, you know? So I'm not being completely useless on Tuesdays like I am on Fridays, and that makes me feel a little better. So Tuesdays are tops in my book.
Nothing much more to say at the moment. I was just so inspired by the beauty of Google Earth that I had to get the word out. Just like I (following in Ryan's footsteps) did about Suburban Tumbleweed. What? None of you watched it? Well, we'll see if I ever do anything nice for you again. So much for me telling you about the best porn ever downloaded...Your loss.
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Next ish: This was so spur of the moment, I'm all confused now. My big workload begins tonight so it might be a few days. Bear with me.
Google Earth is awesome. I discoved it about three days ago, actually. Wasted about four hours after that point. Google is going to take over the world, you know...
I mean, they already know where everything is. (And they power your website.)
I know where all the best porn is, you got nothin on me.
yeah, we have google earth. I spent like an hour playing with it. It is really cool
You speak of this "Google Earth" as it is some sort of amazing device. Read this article and it will explain how Google has already started to take over the world.
Ahem, James, as by his example to me, only knows where the gay porn is. I watched the movie...where's my porn? AND Google Earth is definitely kickass, try looking up Disney World, when you see it by Google Earth you finally get a grasp on how big it is. Damn!
Dave, I am knowlegable of all porn.
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