100 bullets
Three days since my last post. I've been slacking. And I can't use work as an excuse because we've been slacking at work too. Monday, we didn't work at all. Me and James slept till about 1:00 and then played video games the rest of the day. Don't worry, we didn't get paid for it, we're not that shady.
I feel like a little kid today. Me and Revis went to the comic book store today and bought comic books. I haven't done that in like 5 years. Nostalgia has been setting in more and more lately. Guess since I'm leaving home, I'm reliving all the shit I used to do. If my mom tells me I'm wasting my money on comics, I can just tell her I'm preparing for class. I'm taking a freshman seminar about comics and graphic novels. Pretty exciting. I guess you kinda have to be into that kinda thing to get excited about it though.
Summerfest is next week, and I WANT TO GO. If anyone is in town on the 4th (yeah, the 4th of July) and wants to go to Ben Folds, call me. Seriously. I want to go. Or we can get tix to Styx on the 5th or Journey on the 6th or Death Cab or the Pixies and Weezer on the 7th or Pete Yorn on the 10th. See? It's such a damn good week. I want to get up to Milwaukee, so anyone who wants a ride is more than welcome. Just as long as I'm not going alone, I'm cool with it.
Did anyone else catch Raul Midon on Letterman last night? Props to Dr. Carlson for showing us kids this guy. Uh-mazing is all I can say. If he ever comes to play around wherever I am at the time, I'm going and everyone is invited. He's a damn good performer. I've never seen anyone who can play the trumpet without a trumpet before. I guess you just have to see it for yourself.
I haven't had any adventures lately, which may explain for the lack of postage. I'll do my best to keep up with the times and enlighten you all with the fascinating details of my life as often as possible. I know you're craving it. Until then...
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Next post: If something interesting happens, I'll tell you. If nothing happens, I'll tell you. Check out the comic 100 Bullets by Brian Azzarello, if you're interested. Just picked up an issue today, and it was quite good, although I had no idea what was going on. It's tough to read comics when you start out on issue #58 and have to play catch up. I'm serious about all that Summerfest shit too. Anyone who wants to go, let me know.
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