get in the car, manny, or you're going to die
I'm proud to announce that the title of this post is the cheesiest line in War of the Worlds. Other than that, the movie is quite solid. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Within ten minutes, shit is blowing up, which is always a good sign. Tom Cruise, although completely insane in real life nowadays, was convincing as the deadbeat dad who redeems himself by saving his kids from Martians. Tim Robbins...oh, Tim Robbins. I love that guy. He's awesome as "the crazy guy in the basement," as I would have labeled him in the credits. He had a name in the movie, but I forget. Another entertaining movie that won't do a damn thing to spur the Hollywood slump. I would say this was not only entertaining, because as we know just about anything entertains me, but it was good. So this one is highly recommended. Although they are completely different experiences, I think I was more absorbed in this movie than Batman Begins. And after the movie I got to make some comments to a certain woman that I'm not particularly fond of. So the night was a success.
Some odd coincidences (or are they?...yeah, probably) about War of the Worlds. The narrator at the beginning and end: Morgan Freeman. Tim Robbins (aka Andy DuFresne) digging a tunnel out of his basement (his "prison cell"). Shawshank anyone? Just an observation. Also, my close, personal friend Mr. Spielberg (or "Papa Steve" as only I get to call him) did a damn fine job with his third (count 'em, three) alien movie. E.T. is obviously gonna be top dog in this category, but I say this gives Close Encounters a run for it's money in the entertainment department. I recommend all three for the uninitiated.
H.G. Wells's book was quite different from the movie though. Of course, a story with a nameless, more or less objective narrator and little character use needs some livening up by Hollywood. Like I said, Wells's protagonist has no name, no backstory for that matter. David Koepp decided to spice it up by giving him an ex-wife, some kids, an attitude, and a metrosexual stylist. It gives the movie purpose, for sure, and for those who have read the book, you know what I'm talking about. The book is basically a roving reporter's account of what is happening as London gets fucked to shit by Martians. The movie is a guy saving his kids and getting them back to their mom while New York, Boston, and everything in between gets fucked to shit by Martians. The action scenes are superb, by the way. And it's one of the few movies with a competent child actor. Kudos to Dakota Fanning for being a somewhat annoying brat, but only because it's in the script.
All in all, I recommend the book and the movie. Just don't be one of those people who complain that the book was "soo much better" (*ahem* Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings *ahem*). Just enjoy the ride. The preview for King Kong wasn't too shabby either. Of course, I would see it even if the trailer was just the big monkey taking a shit, because Adrien Brody is in it, and ever since he played that retard in The Village, I've been hooked, and because someone finally gave Jack Black a role where he doesn't just play himself (*ahem* Richard Linklater...School of Rock *ahem*). I was pleasantly surprised to see Colin Hanks in the preview as well. I enjoyed Orange County, didn't you?
Well, yet another late night post comes to an end. This one went long. Of course, my motto is "you can tell it's a good post by how many pointless links they throw in." But I'm not keeping score if you aren't...
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Next post: I dunno, I'm pretty exhausted after this monster. If I see another good movie, maybe.
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