serenity now
I watched Firefly, the extremely short-lived Fox sci-fi show, and I loved it. A space western, kind of like what Star Wars wanted to be. Star Wars was too timeless to have a true western feel, but Firefly takes place in the not-so-distant future, after we terraformed a whole new solar system, creating a brand new, and much more expansive frontier where space pioneers could expand from planet to planet, every new world a new Wild West. But Fox, as usual, cancelled something that would turn out to have a considerably large cult following, followed by good DVD sales. So poor Fox missed out. I doubt they'll bring this one back like they did Family Guy, but fans don't need it. Joss Whedon (creator of many successful shows on the WB) shopped a script around and got to make Serenity. Same characters, same story (for the most part), and a whole lotta badassery. All the original actors from the show came back for it, and it pays off in full.
I don't want to go into detail and break down the whole movie for you, but I can say go see it. You definitely do not have to have seen the show to understand it. It may even be beneficial not to have seen it. Whedon's not afraid to kill people either, which I respect. This movie has one of the most heart-wrenching moments I've ever seen. After a whole lotta action, a narrow escape, and a funny line, you think it'll all gonna slow down for a bit, but then BAM! Shit hits the fan, and you lose it. Greatness.
So yeah, Serenity is quality. My first night of work is tonight from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am. It's gonna be a beast. USC has been giving us a fright today. Trailing for the entire first half? Not covering the spread? What the fuck man? But I don't blame you Leinart. We all know you're human. Well, part human, at least. 17.5 points was quite a bit to cover anyway. Technically, as I'm writing this, the game isn't over. It's 37-28 USC with 2:22 left to play. So theoretically it's possible for us to cover it, but that's stretching it. Hope everyone's having fun in Rockford for homecoming weekend. Have a couple drinks for me.
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Next ish: Work for the next four days. I don't foresee anything interesting.
You'd have a greater respect for Star Wars as futuristic if your midichlorian count was even on the charts.
Someday Dave....someday.
revis, i'll do you one better. i am number 77. no joke. i flipped when i saw it.
Hey, my sis and i just bought the 1st season (well i guess only season) of Firefly like 2 days ago. I do agree with you-it's really cool. Have you ever watched Alias? I never did and thought it was just a Buffy-type of show, but it's really good. It's from the same creators of Lost.
Revis and I proved sophomore year that seven is universal number, relevant to everything. No other number matters.
The name Carlson has 7 letters. Coincidence? I think not.
So does "McNally". And also "Kxtaphe", which is what I had to spell to make a comment.
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