when i had eyes
This has been one helluva week. No papers due, but for some reason I've been busting my ass with homework everyday since Sunday. My first midterm went well. Oceanography is such a joke. 50 scantron questions, mostly mult choice with a few T/F thrown in to "confuse" us. I studied for it, of course, since I had no idea what I was going in to, my first college midterm and all. But I still think it was pretty easy.
So my scene for screenwriting tomorrow is as follows: EITHER a teenage girl just found out she's pregnant and has to tell her mom, who is preoccupied with some other activity OR a guy is going to his girlfriend's father's house to ask for her hand in marriage, but for some reason, he had too much to drink and he's completely shit-faced. Actually he doesn't have to be shit-faced, but he's drunk enough as to where it's gonna make a difference. Pretty cool assignment. Too bad Thematic Option has forced me to put it off until the day before it's due, as usual. Oh, and also for tomorrow I have to have a 2-3 page character biography about someone who is unable to love. We're supposed to have been working on this from the beginning, but again, fucking TO. I have maybe half a page, but that shouldn't be all that hard.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, they are much appreciated. I ordered some t-shirts and got some CDs and Gosford Park all in the name of my birthday.


I got another CD that doesn't show up on allmusic.com, which is odd because I trust allmusic.com with my life. Frog Eyes - The Bloody Hand. Don't know why it's not there, and it's kinda freakin' me out. Overall good birthday presents from myself. I probably spent more money than I actually got, but hey, it's my birthday leave me alone.
Lost: Season One still hasn't gotten here yet, and it's pissing me off. Next time I'm shelling out the extra bucks for faster shipping because Amazon obviously has its head up its ass when it comes to "Standard Shipping."
I passed my Campus Cruiser training and got me a fancy polo shirt and everything. Technically I'm Cruiser #113, but after Saturday afternoon, all the numbers change, and my first day is Saturday night, so there was no real point in giving me my number to begin with. My first night is from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am. How's that for a shift? Fucking hardcore is what it is.
Lots of pretty pictures for you guys today. I figured you were sick of me just linking to stuff, so I brightened it up a bit. As for me, I have to go register for Selective Service.
Currently enjoying:
See above.
Next ish: Assuming I don't get drafted, I'm looking forward to October.
allmusic.com should change their name then I guess.
Maybe he is unable to love because he is made of tin and his tinsman forgot to give him a heart.
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