homeward bound
So many things to say, but I'm too tired to say them. Check my facebook for Disneyland pictures. Probably one of the best days of my life. Finals are finished. Finally. Everything is fantasmic right now. Happiness is a good thing. I never really thought of it that way before.
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Can't wait to see everyone. It's gonna be some magical stuff, let me tell you. Christmas has never put me in a mood like this before, wonder what's wrong with me...
McNally, that weird feeling coming over you...it's love. Have you ever been in love before? I was in love with a girl once that lived on 5th avenue. My my my, she was beautiful.
reminds me of a great arrested development quote that i often use as an away message. i'll enlighten you when i get home.
What were the lines like?
the cut off date from showtime is june 15th; it needs to be canceled by them and mitch needs to say, lets play two today
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