kubrickian in every sense of the word
...but I guess there's really only one sense of the word. Irrelevant. USC vs. Fresno State tonight. 7:15. I'll be there, will you? No, because you have no school spirit. Loser.
I'll tell you right now Dane Cook is right to call any and all DMVs "Satan's Asshole" because that's a damn accurate description. Those stupid fucks are really adamant on getting my original birth certificate and I'm starting to get a little suspicious. Perhaps there's some state-wide scandal led by the Guvernator to steal my identity. We all know Arnie's got nothing else going for him.
On a side note, I really wish I had a British accent so I could be justified in typing (and saying) things like "bollocks" and "bugger off" and 'im instead of him. A good Rastafarian accent wouldn't be bad either. I'm reading a rather good novel (White Teeth by Zadie Smith) that gives a good transcription of the Jamaican accent. For example:
"An it not," exclaimed Hortense, returning to Clara, having received Darcus's grunt of approval, "dat young man's soul you boddrin' yourself wid! How many times must I tell you--you got no time for bwoys!" (White Teeth. 27.)Rastafaris are kickass. Good advice for the ladies too, by the way. God knows if you want to save your ever-lovin' soul, you can't be wastin' time on "bwoys."
Strangely enough, I've been reading quite a bit lately, outside of just class reading. I bought two books (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams, sequel to The Hitchhikers's Guide to the Galaxy, and City of God by E.L. Doctorow, no relation to the film of the same name) and I've already finished one (Restaurant).
So Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me. I still have to file some forms and shit out here before I go and I realize I have exactly two days (offices aren't open on weekends, silly) to find where they're even fucking located. I haven't packed, I haven't even thought of what I should bring home and what I should bring back. Hell, I haven't even thought how I'm getting to the airport. But I'll get home. So help me, I'll get home, come Hell or high water. And I swear once I get there, I'll stop speaking in cliches.
Currently enjoying:

The McNally Reunion Countdown: 4 Days
Restaurant is the best one! We must must must discuss it sometime.
I kinda wish we had some hick accents so we could say, "they took our jobs"...."day took ur jobs"...."dur dur duh duh durrr!!!!"
yes andrew, i read college humor too...jackass.
What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks dude, you think you're the only one whith school spirit? I have a decent amount of school spirit considering Illinois is on a nine game losing streak, it's easier to be a fan when you've won 33 straight. But to be honest, I've mostly been waiting for basketball season, we better not fuck it up.
Cannot wait to see Boylan basketball start up next weekend with the long appicitated Tori Boyd, a team we all can't wait to see tear up the courts.
james what i meant was you have no USC school spirit. and it sure is nerve-wracking when your 33 game winning streak is on the line in the fourth fucking quarter. and i plan on going to as many basketball games as i can despite the fact that we suck balls at basketball. and look who's talking about it being easy to be a fan when your team wins. didn't your basketball team almost win it all last year?
My basketball team last year was Wake Forest not Illinois, though I was glad to see them do well since I live in the state. And how was I to know you were speaking of USC? As far as I know it is all non-USC students reading this, that is to say the only ones commenting on it as far as I can remember. So I'm sorry if you were just referring to someone at your school, but I couldn't tell.
james seems to have developed a negative opinion of me since i've been gone. this was not meant to be a belligerent post my mason friend. i don't understand the hostility.
I was rooting for North Carolina last year.
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