i am trying to break your heart
Fuck the White Sox. My dad is never gonna let me hear the end of it if they win it all. Fall Classic my ass, this is gonna be the worst World Series ever. Can you imagine if the Cardinals fight back and make it again? The two teams I hate the most (well it probably goes 1. Cardinals, 2. Yankees, 3. White Sox) in the World Series. And it's not like the Astros would be that much better. Talk about a ratings killer.
Went to Santa Barbara on Friday for The Mars Volta concert. I have to say, I was duly impressed. I've been listening to them a bit since I got here, but before that I had no exposure. I thought they were pretty cool, but they're a really sweet live band. John Frusciante from the Red Hot Chili Peppers played a song too, which was fucking amazing. Omar (lead guitarist of The Mars Volta) is a sight to see on stage as well. He's insane, as is Cedric the lead singer. He's got the craziest moves this side of Michael Jackson, I swear.
Overall, it's been a good weekend for music, what with the concert and a few of us stumbling upon a really sweet ass record store close to campus. Solsounds on the corner of Pico and Flower. Bought some really good shit there, which is all listed in the currently enjoying, except for one album I bought that wasn't all that great. You ever want to just go into a record store and pick something completely random and hope you found something gold? I tried that the other day. The CD isn't all that bad, but Moving Units are just a Franz Ferdinand knock-off. So a mediocre outcome for that experiment. The other two CDs though, pure gold. Buy them immediately. And I'm not getting paid (much) to say that.
Pretty damn good weekend for USC too. Now I've grown up an Irish fan for no real reason except for that my dad really likes them. No, he didn't go there, he just really likes them. No, it's not because he saw Rudy, he just really likes them. Goddammit, he just really likes them, okay? Enough with the third degree! But yeah, he likes them, so I liked them. Then I come to USC and discover that they're our arch-rivals. Irony! I got lucky though, because my annual bet with my dad (Cubs record v. White Sox record, $10) got erased as my dad had the balls to go double or nothing on the outcome of this Saturday's game. Now I admit, I forgot about the bet. But I was still preparing the noose during the last 3 minutes of that game. It was that scary. But of course, we pulled it out (we always do, we don't want any pregnancies now do we? That was in bad taste, I'm sorry). But now I don't owe my dad money. Good thing too, he totally would have sent some baseball-bat-carrying knee-bashers to collect too.
Oceanography field trip today. Went to Palos Verdes on a bus. Good story huh? Nah, it was pretty cool, I really like that class. Maybe it has something to do with my fascination with nature documentaries. I seriously contemplated buying the complete Jacques Cousteau collection the other day. I'm such a dork. Wait, no I'm not. You're a dork for not liking Jacques Cousteau. Dude, he inspired Steve Zissou. Yeah, the Steve Zissou. Oh, and there was some unexpected company on this field trip. Ask me about it, if you can't figure it out. And I want to learn how to surf. Now.
So now that I've enlightened you all with my skillz again, I'm off for another short sabbatical, at least until something interesting happens to me.
Currently enjoying:

An addendum: Watch Arrested Development because it's the funniest thing since Family Guy and we can't let Fox ruin yet another good thing. Mondays, 8/7 central. Seriously, watch one episode and you'll understand why everyone speaks so highly of it.
Dude! Steve Zissou came with you on your field trip? That's fucking sweet!!!
it was both actually. yes andrew, two sharks fell at the hands of mcnally.
You better not have pussied out and used a harpoon gun to bring these magnificent beasts down. The only manly way to do it is with your bare hands. Perhaps the use of 12 inch saw/knife would be acceptable, but only if you kept it clenched between your teeth while you swimming around.
i said hands, and i meant hands. no pussy harpoons, lances, or knives for me. no sir, i ripped off that mother's bottom jaw and swam away with that in my teeth.
Arrested Development is my Monday night show! I'm doubting it'll go on for a fourth season though :( But, we must stay positive!
Badass, but you shouldn't have done that to a whale shark though. They may be the biggest known shark besides the jaguar shark, but they are also the most gentle. I'm guessing that you were dealing with a deranged killer gene-enhanced whale shark though, right?
Was it Kelly Slater that you met on your trip McNally?....hmmm I don't know. But I do know that the cubs losing isn't just a game, "It's 95 years of fucking oppression"
McNally as always, good to hear from you at least by reading upon the blogs once in awhile. One thing though, I've been taking Human Sexuality and I just thought I'd let you know the "pulling out" method doesn't work. There is in fact some semen in the pre-ejaculate secreted by the cowpers gland before the actual orgasm occurs. So, though I was impressed with the way USC pulled it out at the end against Notre Dame the other day, I'm still a little worried about you Californians impregnating a good Catholic team like ND. Take it easy man!
You randomly choose Wilco? I have to say, very very very good intuition.
Who the hell was your 'unexpected company' anyway?
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