the best and worst day of my life
Last night should have been much more enjoyable than it was. Being a screenwriter, we get informed of certain events happening around the LA area that may not be common knowledge to non-screenwriters or perhaps non-cinema students at least. So a while back, I hear about Charlie Kaufman coming to speak at the Writer's Guild and needless to say, I am very excited. The man has won Oscars for Christ's sake. Five of us went to see him last night and it was incredible. You could really tell that this was the guy that wrote Adaptation, albeit his character was a bit exaggerated. Sure, the man was a bit awkward but he does a lot better job of covering it up in real life. Maybe it's because we don't get the voiceover in real life. Actually, that's exactly what it is. Anyway, we hear him talk, followed by a Q and A (including the stupidest question ever asked, by this man. Don't worry Daren, it's not you). Daren did have the balls to ask Charlie Kaufman about his next script (and he somehow incorporated the word "douchetwat" into his question, which really impressed Charlie I think). Charlie politely said that he could not talk about the script and that was that. Every other question got at least a fake answer, Daren gets a flat "No." So that part of the night was fun. And the part where he signed my notebook. Yes, the notebook that I do my screenwriting homework in is now signed by Charlie Kaufman. Is it going to help? I'd like to think it will.
The next 8 hours, however, were not fun. I had so much fucking work to do (paper due Wednesday, paper due the next morning along with a semi-finished comic book, and a paper due Monday) so I was already overwhelmed by this time. I hadn't started my 102 paper (the one due the next morning, which quickly turned into this morning, which quickly turned into "Fuck, it's due in 6 hours") and I did my best to shit out some quality work. I get about halfway done by 1:00 AM. I could have had a rough draft done by 2:00 if a certain person didn't get drunk for the first time ever and distract me. I couldn't miss that. Add to the fact that one of my breaks consisted of conversing with a fellow screenwriter over a few Heineken's, which I think actually helped my writing ability. But I finish up at about 5:00 this morning, and afterwards I have to work on the comic. I finish coloring one page, and I nearly collapse on the bed in defeat at about 6:00. I sleep until 10:30-ish, get up, do a quick proofread of my shitty paper, run to the library to print it off, hand the fucker in, and make it to my TO advisement in time. At least I got the classes I wanted for next semester. Except for my discussion. Instead of 10AM, it's at 9AM. Who wakes up at 9AM?!?
Currently enjoying:

Next ish: Fuck, I'm exhausted.
"Who wakes up at 9AM!?!" I wake up at 7 everyday, I got fucking screwed over, the last of 9,000 freshmen to register for classes this past summer. Anyway, you should somehow use Charlie Kaufman's signiture to create a clone and make him do your homework and eliminate your competition.
I wake up at 7 every day too's a bitch. As for Kaufman, I have never seen one of his movies, except for the first 5 minutes of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...sooo it's cool that you met him though.
"The stupidest question ever asked," was not actually asked by "that man." That man happens to be me. I live in Australia, ergo wasn't anywhere near the joint. The first I heard about the question was when I went to my In box a couple of days ago.
But thanks for the publicity.
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