going to california
Zack's (and one of my) favorite Led Zeppelin song. And very appropriate as well. So Canada was a major success. A week of much needed relaxation. Clubs were cool, but I definitely don't see myself being one of those dudes that go every night. Mostly because I don't have the wardrobe for that. Actually, the club scene just isn't for me I don't think. It's cool, but not something I can really get into. I'd rather go to concerts. Or maybe a club with a real DJ playing, which was something we couldn't find in Montreal. The sights were great up in Syrup Country, lots of great views. McGill University was beautiful. If things don't work out in Cali, I may consider going there just for the awesome campus. It's seriously freaking sweet up there. The only downside to Montreal is that it's damn expensive. Me and Brant found a half coffee cup that said "Montreal was so expensive I could only buy half of this cup." Very true. So that was Canada. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Sarah got drunk. That was some entertainment right there. Glad I could be there for the first time, Sarah.
So I'm starting to pack, and I'm getting all weepy. I couldn't even watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition with my family (as we usually do on Sunday nights) without feeling like I was going to lose it. Some of my family came over to see me off, and it's all just starting to set in that I won't see these people until December. Scary. The really sad part, and the part that I'm almost afraid to admit, is that I think I'm going to miss my friends more than I'll miss my family. I mean, I'll miss my family a lot, but I'll always know where they are. I'll never lose touch with my family, you know? Friends can disappear pretty quick. Don't let that happen, guys. I'm serious. I'll become a stalker if I have to. The blog will continue in college, so you'll all be kept updated on the events in my life, which I know is something you all couldn't live without. I never knew how big of an audience I had until recently, and I'm getting drunk with the power of journalism, if you can call this shitty little blog journalism, but a man can dream, can't he? Can't he?? Let me dream, dammit! This blog is important! It's influential! It's sure as hell better than Fox News! Then again, I can get more consequential information from The Daily Show than I can from Fox News, so saying that my blog is better than Fox News isn't really saying much, since a porn site has more important information than that godforsaken "news" channel. But that's not the issue here. I'M LEAVING! AHHHHH!
I'll be alright.
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Next ish: I don't know if I'll get one more in before I go, so it could be from sunny Los Angeles, or it could be a good-bye right before I leave. Who knows?
SoCal Countdown: 3 Mu' fuckin' Days!
...ahem...you be online as often as you can and RedThunder211 won't be far away. My blog will also be updated frequently. I know I'm just being preachy now (typical David) but just remember, God IS there whether you want Him to be or not. I'll see you sometime this week...but Good Luck, Happy Halloween, and Happy Thanksgiving. God Bless.
P.S. Don't worry, I'll get in shape.
I'm so glad we got to know each other better this year. I'm really glad we ended up going to Canada. I'm going to miss you so much!! Call me whenever you come home!! Good luck in California!!
P.S. You still owe me $10. ha ha ha
God speed, old friend.
I'm not a big fan of the clubs either, you can't talk to anyone the music's so loud. I'm more of a fan of the quieter, laid back bar scene. Except of course then your paying 4$ for a shooter and 5$ for a beer. I guess what I really like to do is drink before I go out, but then whats the point of going out? Oh yeah, going to strip clubs and beating up midgets.
yeah, that song fucking rocks.
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