so i'm in this club...
...called the League of Shadows. Wanna join? Well, you have to be ready to kick major ass, and with the help of a few plot twists...Ahh, I won't say it. You'll just have to see Batman Begins yourself. Forget Christian Bale (although he is exceptional), Cillian Murphy fucking rocks the house as Scarecrow. My only qualm is that he didn't get as much screentime as you'd expect. A surprising Gary Oldman as Sgt. Gordon was well worth the money. And yeah, I said Sgt. Gordon. When Christopher Nolan says Batman Begins, he really means it. Katie Holmes was notable, as were Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. An all-around awesome cast, with each playing their roles to a tee.
And of course, at the end of the movie, everyone had to mention to me, "Dude, McNally. Katie Holmes is such a cocktease in this scene coming up." Then after I see the scene, "Dude, wasn't she? Wasn't she a huge cocktease?" Yes. Yes she was. But in movies, it's forgiveable. I am aggravated by the fact that it is necessary for everyone to make sure that I know that she's a cocktease.
Hmm, bit of an angry last paragraph, don't you think? I've been in such a good mood lately, it was bound to come out sometime. But never fear, it won't happen too often. Of course, I say that only in the confidence that I won't be reminded how much a secondary character in a studio movie is a damn cocktease. Sorry. That was it. I promise.
I guess that's all I got for now. Catch you cats on the flipside.
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Next post: We'll try and keep it positive next time. Hopefully I'll be partying tomorrow night. At least that's the plan. I'll keep you updated.
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