Wednesday, March 29, 2006

take 2

in an unprecendented show of procrastination and ambition, i've decided to post twice in a day. dave is right when he says homework sucks, everyone knows that. but you know what else sucks? everything else. college has just about reached critical mass. this semester is just bollocks. but i guess being forced to take shitty classes so you can enjoy your junior and senior years of college is a sacrifcie worth taking.

inside man, the new spike lee "joint" (though i'm not sure it's technically a joint since he didn't write it, but there's stil plenty of crazy white people putting down the poor black man in it) is worth a movie ticket price (14 dollars my bollocks!). denzel gets better every time i see him. he's just fucking good at being a person. he's not an actor, he's a person. and he can act like other people.

sickness overwhelms the 'sc campus every once in a while and i am currently in the middle of one of those whiles. but i have veronica mars to keep me company. a way better california based show than that other bollocks (the one that's filming on my campus currently). and it's got elliot the photographer from just shoot me in it. i've been watching season one, and so far no david spade cameo, but its coming, i can feel it. but seriously watch this show, its bollocks (in a good way this time)

and in case you didn't figure it out, my new brit-lit word of the month is bollocks. there's a rather beefy entry for it on the urban dictionary that you can check out...................



At 8:05 PM, Blogger The Red Thunder said...

The word 'bollocks' is "bangerang"...and yes, that's my new word now, nobody else can have it. Except Robin Williams.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! YOU WATCH VERONICA MARS??!! it is seriously the best!! Sarah and I are obsessed. Seriously, whenever i ask anyone if they watch it, they've never heard of it (probably because it's on the stupid UPN)--but did you hear that UPN and WB are merging as the CW? So, hopefully more people will watch it! I'm so excited! i can't believe you watch it! YOu're still on season 1 right? The season finale is awesome. Let me know when you get to it.

At 1:39 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hey Andrew I have this new blog that's less stupid

but it does have a stupid url
what can i say, i'm uncreative.

stay clean panda bear.


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