Some fucked up shit has occured in the past week. I'm not going to go into details, but I can say that life is unfair to everyone, death sucks for those of us who live to see it, girls can be bitches, and I'm ready to get on with the summer. Some of these things have been dealt with and some of them have yet to be resolved.
Now that I'm leaving for Cali from the good old Midwest, I'm finding out who my true friends are. I estimate about 100,000 people have told me "Oh man, Southern California? I'm totally gonna come visit you, is that alright?" Of course, I answer "Oh yeah man, totally. Come on down." Now, I know that not even 1/25,000 of those people will come to visit me, but, hey, I can dream.
An important point that needs to be addressed, some girls are bitches and some girls get a bad wrap. Don't get me wrong, there are some great girls out there. Unfortunately, they are taken by either the rich, the incredibly handsome, or the "badasses." I am none of these (although I do have a tattoo. That makes me badass, right? Right??) The rich don't care, the handsome take it for granted, and the badasses treat these great women like shit. So the rest of us are stuck with the indignant bitches who are pissed that they can't always get the rich guy or the handsome guy or that guy that broke a pool cue over that nerd's head at a bar that one time. And we, the nice guys, are the ones who suffer. I've been cheated, been mistreated, and I'm pissed about it. I try to be nice to these girls, and they think they can treat me like shit just because I'm the one who is coming to them and not vice versa. Be grateful I'm coming on to you at all! There are plenty of girls just like you, who may not be as moody as you, or at least take some Advil when they're on the rag. You're expendable, and you probably think of me the same way. So why can't we just make out and move on? We're still going to be unhappy afterwards so we might as well get something out of it. The moral of my rant: The women I have to deal with suck.
In lighter news, I am now an unintentional, unconvicted felon/terrorist. A long story involving a pipe found in the trash, a fox, one lactose-intolerant Argentinian, and myself concludes with a call to the bomb squad here in Rockford. For a more detailed account, check out that Argentinian's website.
To wrap up tonite's episode, I'll just say a few things. Kate, I'm sorry. Mark, have fun with your new blog, I know I will.
I'll end with a quote from famed feminist Germaine Greer. "Women have very little idea how much men hate them. A few men hate all women all the time, some men hate some women all of the time, and all men hate some women some of the time."
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Next post: Who knows? Maybe a good social commentary. The world can always use more of those.
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