It's been a few days, but I haven't been feeling very loquacious lately. Today is no exception. I'm here to talk about Crash, but I'm going to do so with as few words as possible. Fantastic is the first word that comes to mind. Fantastic acting, directing, writing, etc., etc. This movie is worth the eight to ten dollars we are forced to pay nowadays, which is more than I can say for Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I loved the last movie. But eight dollars is a lot of money to pay for a story we all knew already. Anakin turns into Darth Vader, key characters die, Yoda goes to Dagobah. Funny, I didn't intend to mention Star Wars today. Anyway back to Crash. It's Traffic but without the drugs. Many intriguing storylines weaved together (intentionally, hence the title, people crashing into each other, becoming connected) in a manner that I can only hope to achieve one day. Your humble blogger was nearly brought to tears on more than one occasion. It's a smart, emotional, and thought-provoking movie that everyone should see. And I mean everyone. For those of you reading who know him, even Dan Spencer loved this movie. All in all, my experience with this movie was a great one. An excellent dinner with an excellent girl (who I will be going to college with next year) followed by an excellent movie. Summer's been good so far. As of right now, Crash is the best movie of the year, in my opinion.
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Next post: We'll see! Maybe a nice introspective on some shit that's been going on lately. That's the kind of mood I'm in.
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